Vayanatt Kulavan


Vayanatt kulavan can be considered as one of the most furious and acrobatic theyyams which are performed. The ferocious state is expressed in a comical way. Theyyam is usually performed with a bit of holy alcohol called Toddy. Vayanatt Kulavan is believed to be originated when Lord Shiva and Parvathi took the form of Hunters. The tale of origin is associated with Lord Shiva and Parvathy. Once they were travelling through forest called madhuvanam. Madhu means Toddy(Alcohol) and Vanam means Forest. Lord Shiva used to intake the toddy that used to drip from the trees(During those days, toddy used to drip from the bottom of the trees). Parvathy disliked this habit. One day when Shiva went for the intake, he found that the toddy which used to drip from the bottom had gone upwards. This agitated him. Shiva became furious. This trick was infact done by Parvathy Devi. In order to fetch the toddy, Shiva created a devine person, by tapping on his thigh. This devine person is considered as the son of Shiva, Son was assigned the taks of fetching toddy from top of the tree. He got on top of the tree and started having the toddy himselves. Lord Shiva warned him not to have toddy from madhuvanam. The son ignored the warning and continued the consumption. Lord Shiva became angry with this and cursed the son to go blind. Later he was provided with "False Eyes" and sent to earth to protect the people. It was in wayanad where he first descended on the way to earth. He was thus called Wayanad Kulavan OR wayanatt kulavan. Wayanatt kulavan who was destined to fetch toddy for Lord Shiva had a lot of folllowers and theeya caste seems to be originated in this fashion. Wayanatt kulavan theyyam is usually performed during the night time with the aid of light generated by lighting the dry coconut leaves torch(Chootta or Choott) During the first journey of Wayanatt Kulavan theyyam, the torch gets lit off and theyyam threw the torch as well as the silver eye(False eye). The place where the torch and the silver eye fell is now a holy place and Wayanatt kulavan theyyam is usually performed yearly at this place. Hunting is an inevitable act in Wayanatt Kulavan theyyam performance.


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